<heading align="middle">Z D A L N E K O N T R O L O W A N I E J E S T W Ł Ą C Z O N E </heading>
<newline gap="8" indent="42"/>
<text>Zdalne kontrolowanie Shareazy jest włączone.Kontroluj swoją Shareaze przy pomocy przeglądarki internetowej wykorzystując poniższe linki:</text>
<text>U┼╝ywaj─àc tej komendy uzyskasz informacje o pobieranym pliku.Zaznacz plik i wybierz t─à komend─Ö jescze raz.</text>
<document name="DownloadHelp.Completed">
<text format="b">To pobierania jest ukończone</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Shareaza zakończyła pobieranie tego pliku i zweryfikowała go pozytywnie w 100 %.Plik został przeniesiny do folderu Downloads.</text>
<document name="DownloadHelp.Moving">
<text format="b">To pobieranie jest przenoszone</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Shareaza zakończyła pobieranie tego pliku i zweryfikowała go pozytywnie w 100 %.
Plik jest w trakcie przenoszenia/rozpakowania do folderu Downloads.</text>
<document name="DownloadHelp.Paused">
<text format="b">To pobieranie jest zatrzymane</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Zatrzymałeś pobieranie tego pliku.Jesli chcesz je pobierać dalej kliknij na </text>
<text format="b">Wzn├│w </text>
<document name="DownloadHelp.DiskFull">
<text format="b">Twój dysk jest pełny</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Shareaza zatrzymała to pobieranie automatycznie, ponieważ twój dysk wydaje się być
pełny, lub plik pobierania nie może zostać na nim zapisany. Jeśli chcesz
kontynuować pobieranie, zwalnij jakąś przestrzeń na swoim dysku i / albo sprawdzać
czy folder Incomplete jest dost─Öpny.</text>
<document name="DownloadHelp.Verifying">
<text format="b">To pobieranie jest weryfikowane</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Shareaza zakończyła pobieranie pliku i sprawdza czy jest dokładnie taki sam jak orginalny plik.
Jeśli znajdzie jakieś uszkodzone częsci naprawi je automatycznie.</text>
<document name="DownloadHelp.Downloading">
<text format="b">To pobieranie jest aktywne!</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Obecnie to pobieranie jest aktywne.Jeśli jest jednak zbyt wolne możesz poszukać w sieci więcej użytkowników z tym plikem klikając na </text>
<text format="b">Szukaj źródła. </text>
<text>Jeśli prędkość jednak nie zwrasta może to być spowodowane, ograniczeniem użytkowników od których pobierasz.
Jednak szybkość pobierania zwykle zwiększa się co jakiś czas.</text>
<document name="DownloadHelp.Pending">
<text format="b">OCZEKIWANIE</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Plik czeka na możliwość podłączenia się do użytkowników.
Przejdź do zakladki opcje/ustawienia shareazy.Jeśli wiesz co zmienić,jeśli nie poczekaj
aż shareaza sama się połączy.</text>
<document name="DownloadHelp.Searching">
<text format="b">To pobieranie jest w fazie szukania</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Nie ma żadnych aktywnych użytkowników z tym plikiem,więc Shareaza przeszukuje wszystkie podłączone sieci w poszukiwaniu aktywnych użytkowników.
Jeśli znajdzie przynajmniej jednego pobieranie rozpocznie się automatycznie.Jednakże możesz przyspieszać ten proces klikając na </text>
<text format="b">Szukaj źródła. </text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Niestety w wielu przypadkach mo┼╝e nie by─ç ┼╝adnych u┼╝ytkownik├│w online z twoim plikiem.
Jedyne co jeszcze możesz zrobić to czekać aż ktoś się pojawi w sieci z tym plikiem lub anulować to
i spr├│bowa─ç znale┼║─ç podobny plik kt├│ry jest szerzej dost─Öpny.</text>
<document name="DownloadHelp.Creating">
<text format="b">To pobieranie jest tworzone</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Shareaza tworzy pre-lokacje w kt├│rej b─Ödzie zapisywany pobierany plik</text>
<document name="DownloadHelp.Tracker">
<text format="b">BitTorrent Tracker Down</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>The BitTorrent tracker server dla tego pobierania nie działa w tej chwili.Shareaza nie może skontaktować się z nim, by pobrać
list─Ö peers'├│w.</text>
<!-- General help documents -->
<document name="GeneralHelp.DiskSpace">
<text format="b">Disk Space is Low</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>The amount of free space on one or more drives used by Shareaza is low.</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>You should always attempt to keep a reasonable amount of disk space free. Programs
can become unstable if the drives become full, and temporary files may be lost. You should
run a disk clean-up, delete unwanted files, or un-install software you no longer need.</text>
<document name="GeneralHelp.XPsp2">
<text format="b">Windows XP Service Pack 2 detected</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Shareaza has detected Windows XP Service Pack 2. This restricts the number of connections
that applications can attempt at once.</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Shareaza has limited network connections and set appropriate default values to
ensure proper operation, however performance may be reduced. Please visit the Shareaza
forums for further imformation, and up to date news.</text>
<!-- Search help documents -->
<document name="SearchHelp.BadSearch">
<text format="b">Please re-phrase the search</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>This search is poorly formatted, and may not function correctly.
Searches should include several terms where possible, and should specify a schema
(file type). Furthermore, searches must not be limited to numbers or negative
terms only, and you should avoid overly general queries.</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text> Most clients on the network will ignore a search for
all MP3 files, for example, because it is not specific
enough and would generate too many results.</text>
<!-- Share help documents -->
<document name="ShareHelp.AlreadyShared">
<text format="b">Already Shared</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>The folder you have selected is already being shared as part of an existing share.</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text> %s </text>
<document name="ShareHelp.BadShare">
<text format="b">This folder should not be shared</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>This folder is (or contains) a system folder. Sharing this folder is not
recommended, since most of the files in it are of no use to other people.</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>Folders such as the Windows directory, Program Files, and similar folders
do not usually contain files suitable for sharing. Any files of interest would be in
sub-folders located </text><text format="i"> inside </text><text> these
folders. Please share those instead.</text>
<newline gap="8"/>
<text>The Shareaza 'incomplete' folder should also not be shared through the
library, since attempting to hash downloads in progress may impact on
<!-- Localised Command Tip Text. The "message" is displayed in the status bar, while the "tip" is shown in a tooltip -->
<tip id="ID_HELP_ABOUT" message="Display the Shareaza about dialog..."/>
<tip id="ID_NETWORK_EXIT" message="Wyjście z Shareaza"/>
<tip id="ID_NETWORK_CONNECT" message="Połącz do sieci"/>
<string id="8004" value="!Welcome to Shareaza (version) !\n.\nShareaza is completely free software.\nPlease use it responsibly and respect intellectual property law.\n."/>
<string id="8005" value=" (Zamknie się po zakończonym pobieraniu)"/>
<string id="8006" value="You're not connected. Click the Connect button to get started."/>
<string id="8007" value=" Kliknij tutaj aby wyszukac pliki."/>
<string id="8008" value="Shareaza has finished downloading the next Shareaza version (%s). Would you like to upgrade now?\n\nIf you select Yes, Shareaza will close temporarily while the upgrade is installed."/>
<string id="8009" value="Are you sure you want to delete the "%s" skin? This cannot be undone."/>
<string id="8010" value="This is a pre-release version of Shareaza, and the beta testing period has ended. Please download the full, official release from www.shareaza.com."/>
<string id="8011" value="Zmiana spowoduje zamkni─Öcie wszystkich otwartych okien.Czy chcesz kontynuowa─ç?"/>
<string id="8062" value="Hub mode with %lu neighbour(s). %s in local library."/>
<string id="8063" value="Connected. %s in local library."/>
<string id="8064" value="Połączony do %lu Host(ów). %s plików w zasobach."/>
<string id="8065" value="Łączenie do sieci..."/>
<string id="8066" value="Jesteś nie podłączony do sieci."/>
<string id="16065" value="Nie można połączyć się z %s port %i dla przychodzących połączeń.Połączenia przychodzące nie będą nawiązane."/>
<string id="16074" value="Unable to resolve host "%s"."/>
<string id="16075" value="Security manager denied connection from %s."/>
<string id="16076" value="Security manager barred a connection to %s."/>
<string id="16077" value="The address %s is already blocked by your security rules."/>
<string id="16078" value="Added a security rule to block %s."/>
<string id="16079" value="Czy chcesz sie rozłączyć?"/>
<string id="16081" value="Wysyła zapytanie "%s" do %s."/>
<string id="16083" value="Forcing your PC into hub mode may have adverse effects on performance and the P2P network It is generally better to allow Shareaza to decide whether or not hub mode should be used.\n\nHub mode does NOT produce better search results, or have any other advantages for you.\n\nDo you really want to do this, despite these disadvantages?"/>
<string id="16084" value="Disabling support for Gnutella-1 protocols may limit your search results, and if you are acting as a hub it may also impact upon the results of other users. Are you sure you want to do this?"/>
<string id="16085" value="Gnutella2 is Shareaza's premiere network. Disabling support for it may severely limit both the number and quality of your search results. Are you SURE you want to do this?"/>
<string id="16087" value="Your outgoing bandwidth is too low to enable this network"/>
<string id="16128" value="Accepted an incoming connection from %s port %i."/>
<string id="16129" value="Initiating a neighbour connection to %s port %i..."/>
<string id="16130" value="Unable to initiate a neighbour connection with %s."/>
<string id="16131" value="Minął czas łączenia do %s."/>
<string id="16132" value="Closing connection to neighbour %s due to lack of traffic."/>
<string id="16133" value="Established a connection with neighbour %s, handshaking..."/>
<string id="16134" value="Closed connection with neighbour %s."/>
<string id="16135" value="Unable to initiate a neighbour connection with %s (refused)."/>
<string id="16136" value="Neighbour %s dropped the connection unexpectedly."/>
<string id="16137" value="Refusing duplicate connection from %s."/>
<string id="16138" value="Already connected to %s, will not establish a second connection."/>
<string id="16261" value="Creating file "%s" for download."/>
<string id="16262" value="Unable to create local file "%s" for download, aborting."/>
<string id="16263" value="Unable to open local file "%s" for download, aborting."/>
<string id="16264" value="Initiating a connection to %s port %i to download "%s"..."/>
<string id="16265" value="Unable to connect to download host %s."/>
<string id="16266" value="Download connection to %s established."/>
<string id="16267" value="Requesting download fragment (%I64i-%I64i) of "%s" from %s."/>
<string id="16268" value="No more download fragments, closing connection to %s."/>
<string id="16269" value="Fragment shortened, closing connection to %s."/>
<string id="16270" value="Download request to %s timed out, closing connection."/>
<string id="16271" value="Closing download connection %s due to lack of traffic."/>
<string id="16272" value="Download host %s does not have the file "%s"."/>
<string id="16273" value="Download host % responded with an invalid HTTP response."/>
<string id="16274" value="Download host %s responded with %s (%s)."/>
<string id="16275" value="Download host %s's version of "%s" has a different URN, aborting."/>
<string id="16276" value="Download host %s's version of "%s" has a different length, aborting."/>
<string id="16277" value="Download host %s responded with a useless byte range of "%s", oczekiwanie."/>
<string id="16278" value="Download connection to %s was lost."/>
<string id="16279" value="Receiving download content from host %s (%s)."/>
<string id="16280" value="Download host %s is busy, retrying in %i seconds."/>
<string id="16281" value="Are you sure you want to clear "%s"?\n\nOnce a download has been cleared from the Downloads window, it cannot be resumed later."/>
<string id="16282" value="Aborting download of "%s" from %s (%s), network disabled."/>
<string id="16283" value="The file "%s" is already being downloaded, adding sources."/>
<string id="16284" value="Received a faulty push connection from %s, closing connection."/>
<string id="16285" value="Received an unnecessary push connection from %s."/>
<string id="16286" value="Host %s is pushing download "%s", accepting."/>
<string id="16287" value="Can't fetch more sources for download "%s" because there is no network connection."/>
<string id="16288" value="Querying for more sources for download "%s" on %i connection(s)..."/>
<string id="16289" value="Sending push request for download "%s"..."/>
<string id="16290" value="Download host %s responded with a different, but useful range (%I64i-%I64i) of "%s"."/>
<string id="16291" value="Moved "%s" to "%s", download complete."/>
<string id="16292" value="Couldn't move download "%s" to "%s". Check that the incomplete file is not in use, and that your downloads folder exists and is writable."/>
<string id="16293" value="Resolving "%s" to download "%s"..."/>
<string id="16294" value="Unable to resolve "%s"."/>
<string id="16295" value="Boosting download "%s" by removing bandwidth caps."/>
<string id="16297" value="WARNING: Download "%s" failed verification, it may not be the file you intended to download!"/>
<string id="16298" value="Download host %s is busy, waiting in queue at position #%i of %i ("%s")."/>
<string id="16299" value="Are you sure you want to clear all paused downloads? Once a download has been cleared from the Downloads window, it cannot be resumed."/>
<string id="16300" value="Are you sure you want to delete the download "%s"?"/>
<string id="16301" value="Requesting tiger-tree volume for "%s" from %s..."/>
<string id="16302" value="Download host %s could not satisfy the tiger-tree request."/>
<string id="16303" value="Receiving tiger-tree volume from %s (%s)..."/>
<string id="16304" value="Download host's tiger-tree data is corrupt or internally inconsistent, ignoring it."/>
<string id="16305" value="Download host's tiger-tree does not match expected root value."/>
<string id="16360" value="Refusing upload of "%s" to %s (%s), all matching queues are full."/>
<string id="16361" value="Refusing upload to %s (%s), network disabled."/>
<string id="16362" value="eDonkey2000 uploads should not be cancelled. Are you sure you want to cancel this upload?"/>
<string id="16363" value="Torrent Uploads"/>
<string id="16364" value="Completed Uploads"/>
<string id="16365" value="Are you sure you want to cancel/abort every download in this group?"/>
<string id="16384" value="Are you sure you want to launch the file "%s" ?\n\nSome files can be harmful to your computer. Ensure you know what the file is before launching it."/>
<string id="16385" value="You are about to modify the metadata of %i files, are you sure you want to continue?"/>
<string id="16386" value="Editing metadata of %i files."/>
<string id="16387" value="The file "%s" has not yet been hashed. Please wait for the file to be hashed, and then try again."/>
<string id="16388" value="This option uses services provided by Bitzi.com for recognising and sharing information about selected files.\n\nShareaza will transmit the SHA1 hash code for the selected file(s) in order to query the Bitzi database. If you are concerned about privacy, you may wish to consult the Bitzi.com privacy policy.\n\nWould you like to proceed?"/>
<string id="16389" value="Are you sure you want to permenantly delete the %i selected file(s) ?\n\nThe files will be moved to your "recycle bin" if it is enabled."/>
<string id="16390" value="You have not yet selected a media player to enqueue files with, such as Nullsoft WinAmp. Would you like to select one now?\n\nShareaza will pass the name of the file to your selected program with the "/ADD" argument."/>
<string id="16391" value="You're not connected to the network."/>
<string id="16392" value="Click the Connect button to get started."/>
<string id="16393" value="The file "%s" failed a hash verification test, and might not be the file you intended to download. Are you sure you want to open it?"/>
<string id="16394" value="Would you like to remove the "potentially unsafe" attribute from this file?"/>
<string id="16395" value="Your downloaded files folder "%s" is not yet in your library.\n\nIncluding your downloaded files folder in your library makes it easier to view and organise new downloads, and lets you take advantage of advanced Shareaza features such as download verification and automatic upgrading. Placing downloaded files in your library does not necessarily require you to share them: you can choose whether or not to share files independently.\n\nWould you like to add your downloaded files folder to your library now?"/>
<string id="16396" value="Your downloads folder has been added to your library. Would you like to share it too?"/>
<string id="16397" value="Are you sure you want to delete the %i selected album folder(s) ?\n\nNote that this action does not delete the files within the album folders, only the folders themselves."/>
<string id="16398" value="Shareaza could not rename:\n\n%s\nto\n%s"/>
<string id="16399" value="Shareaza could not delete the file:\n\n%s"/>
<string id="16400" value="Target file exists:\n\n%s\n\nWould you like to overwrite it?"/>
<string id="16401" value="Show All File Types"/>
<string id="16402" value="Shareaza received a collection file:\n\n\n\n"%s"\n\n\n\nThis file does not appear to be a valid collection file."/>
<string id="16403" value="Shareaza has added the collection file "%s" to your library."/>
<string id="16404" value="Shareaza was unable to install the collection file "%s" by copying it to the folder "%s"."/>
<string id="16405" value="Would you like to download this file?\n\n\n\n"%s"\n\n\n\nChoose Cancel to stop any further prompts."/>
<string id="16406" value="Would you like to download all files in this collection?\n\n\n\nChoose Cancel to stop any further prompts."/>
<string id="16407" value="Would you like to prevent this collection from prompting you to download anything else?"/>
<string id="16408" value="Copy &URI"/>
<string id="16409" value="Export &URIs..."/>
<string id="16448" value="Connected to %s, handshaking..."/>
<string id="16449" value="Now chatting with %s (%s)."/>
<string id="16450" value="Connection to %s closed."/>
<string id="16451" value="The connection to %s was lost."/>
<string id="16800" value="You have not yet specified a connection speed. Before continuing, please either choose your Internet connection type, or type in a connection speed."/>
<string id="16801" value="Wybierz swoje łącze intenetowe przed dalszym kontynuowaniem ."/>
<string id="16802" value="You have not specified any folders to share. Are you sure?"/>
<string id="16803" value="The folder you are sharing is already shared as part of another shared folder:\n\n%s"/>
<string id="16804" value="Nie wpisałeś żadnego nicka w ustawieniach."/>
<string id="16805" value="You haven't entered your location in your user profile.\n\nIt's a good idea to enter your location so that other users can see where you're from.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue without entering your location?"/>
<string id="16806" value="You have indicated that you want to set up port-forwarding on your NAT router or firewall.\n\nPlease configure your network to forward TCP port %i to your local PC."/>
<string id="16807" value="Please type the bandwidth limit you wish to set in the form "123 kb/s" for kilobits per second, or "123 KB/s" for kilobytes per second."/>
<string id="16808" value="You have not selected your age and gender. Are you sure you want to continue without doing this?"/>
<string id="16867" value="Discovery service "%s" failed, fail count %i."/>
<string id="16868" value="Discovery service "%s" has failed %i times, removing."/>
<string id="16870" value="Sending GWebCache update to service "%s"..."/>
<string id="16871" value="Submitting GWebCache "%s" to a random GWebCache..."/>
<string id="16928" value="Initiating a connection to %s to browse user..."/>
<string id="16929" value="Unable to initiate a connection to %s to browse user."/>
<string id="16930" value="Sent a push request to %s to browse user."/>
<string id="16931" value="Unable to send a push request to %s to browse user."/>
<string id="16932" value="Sent browse user request to %s..."/>
<string id="16933" value="Browse host %s responded with an invalid HTTP response."/>
<string id="16934" value="Browse host %s responded with code %s (%s)."/>
<string id="16935" value="Browse host %s responded with an unrecognised response, and may not support user/host browsing."/>
<string id="16936" value="Receiving content from browse host %s (%s)"/>
<string id="16938" value="Error decoding Gnutella packets from browse host %s."/>
<string id="16939" value="Finished browsing user %s, %i files found."/>
<string id="16940" value="Browse user connection to %s was dropped."/>
<string id="16941" value="Closing browse user connection %s due to lack of traffic."/>
<string id="16942" value="Closing browse user connection to %s."/>
<string id="16943" value="Browsing %s"/>
<string id="16944" value="Found %i shared files in %s's library."/>
<string id="16992" value="Shareaza could not instantiate its MediaServices plugin. Please reinstall Shareaza, and confirm that you have the necessary media codecs and output drivers installed."/>
<string id="17033" value="Requesting private conversation with user..."/>
<string id="17034" value="Private conversation granted, you are now chatting with %s."/>
<string id="17035" value="%s is not accepting private conversations, sorry."/>
<string id="17036" value="%s is away: %s"/>
<string id="17037" value="The chat connection was lost."/>
<string id="17038" value="Connection closed."/>
<string id="17039" value="Unable to request a push connection from %s, no route available."/>
<string id="17040" value="Cannot send message, you are not connected. Shareaza is trying to connect..."/>
<string id="17041" value="Cannot send message, a connection has not been established yet."/>
<string id="17042" value="You have not yet filled in your user profile. You must provide a profile before you can chat with other users.\n\nWould you like to fill in your profile now?"/>
<string id="17043" value="Granted upload priority to host %s."/>
<string id="17216" value="Initiating connection to eDonkey2000 server at %s..."/>
<string id="17217" value="Connected to eDonkey2000 server %s, handshaking..."/>
<string id="17218" value="ED2K[%s] %s"/>
<string id="17219" value="eDonkey2000 server %s refused connection."/>
<string id="17220" value="eDonkey2000 server %s online, client ID is %lu."/>
<string id="17221" value="eDonkey2000 server %s changed our client ID from %lu to %lu."/>
<string id="17222" value="eDonkey2000 server %s identified itself as "%s"."/>
<string id="17223" value="eDonkey2000 server %s rejected the connection."/>
<string id="17224" value="Error exchanging handshake with eDonkey2000 client %s."/>
<string id="17225" value="eDonkey2000 client connection to %s was closed."/>
<string id="17226" value="Received a malformatted eDonkey2000 packet from %s (id=%x)."/>
<string id="17227" value="Incoming connection from %s is an eDonkey2000 client link."/>
<string id="17228" value="Sending eDonkey2000 hashset for "%s" to %s..."/>
<string id="17229" value="eDonkey2000 client connection to %s was idle, closed."/>
<string id="17230" value="Initiating eDonkey2000 client connection to %s..."/>
<string id="17231" value="eDonkey2000 client %s has the wrong GUID, aborting handshake."/>
<string id="17232" value="Miną czas łączenia do klienta eDonkey2000 %s."/>
<string id="17233" value="Timed out handshaking with eDonkey2000 client %s."/>
<string id="17234" value="Refusing eDonkey2000 client link from %s because eDonkey2000 is disabled."/>
<string id="17485" value="Received BitTorrent tracker response for "%s", %i new sources."/>
<string id="17486" value="Initiating BitTorrent client coupling with %s..."/>
<string id="17487" value="Established BitTorrent coupling with %s, handshaking..."/>
<string id="17488" value="You have changed the tracker URL for this torrent. Are you sure you want to save this change?\n\nAn invalid tracker URL may prevent further downloading."/>
<string id="17489" value="BitTorrent coupling with %s is extended protocol, identified "%s"."/>
<string id="17490" value="Received %i new BitTorrent sources from %s."/>
<string id="17491" value="The torrent "%s" is already on your download list, and cannot be seeded."/>
<string id="17492" value="Error loading the torrent file "%s". This may not be a valid torrent."/>
<string id="17493" value="Unable to create BitTorrent share file "%s"."/>
<string id="17494" value="This torrent includes the file "%s", but Shareaza cannot find this file in your library. If possible, move the file to the same folder as the torrent and try again."/>
<string id="17495" value="This torrent includes the file "%s" which should be %s, however your version of the file is %s."/>
<string id="17496" value="An error occurred while copying from "%s" to a BitTorrent share file."/>
<string id="17497" value="An unknown error occurred while trying to seed "%s"."/>
<string id="17498" value="An error was detected in the file "%s"."/>
<string id="18496" value="You have made changes to the name field. Are you sure you want to rename this download?"/>
<string id="18497" value="You have typed a SHA1 value, however it is invalid. Please check it and try again."/>
<string id="18498" value="You have typed a root tiger-tree value, however it is invalid. Please check it and try again."/>
<string id="18499" value="You have typed an eDonkey2000 hash value, however it is invalid. Please check it and try again."/>
<string id="18500" value="You have provided a SHA1 hash value which is different to the one currently associated with this download. Are you sure you want to change the SHA1 hash now?"/>
<string id="18501" value="You have provided a root tiger-tree hash value which is different to the one currently associated with this download. Are you sure you want to change the tiger-tree root hash now?"/>
<string id="18502" value="You have provided an eDonkey2000 hash value which is different to the one currently associated with this download. Are you sure you want to change the eDonkey2000 hash now?"/>
<string id="18503" value="Czy napewno chcesz wymazać aktualny stan weryfikacji? Wszystkie pobrane dane będą potraktowane jako nieprawidłowe,oraz wszystkie dane z pamięci o hash'u będą usunięte.."/>
<string id="18504" value="Czy napewno chcesz usunąć wszystkie źródła dla wybranego pobierania??"/>
<string id="18505" value="Please enter a valid range to erase. The "from" field is the first byte to erase, the "last" field is the last byte to erase."/>
<string id="18506" value="Unable to erase the selected range from the download because no part of the range is present."/>
<string id="18507" value="Erased %I64i bytes from the download."/>
<string id="18508" value="Dropping download source %s for "%s" because queue position %i is too high."/>
<string id="18509" value="You cannot assume this download is complete and reverify it because you do not yet have any partial verification data, such as tiger-tree volume, eDonkey hashset or BitTorrent hashset. Without verification information the download cannot be reverified."/>
<string id="18510" value="Czy napewno chcesz przyjąć, że to pobieranie jest kompletne i zweryfikować je?Shareaza przyjmie tylko te części, które są prawidłowe a pobierze ponownie te częsci, których nie uda się zweryfikować."/>
<string id="19000" value="Remote access is disabled."/>
<string id="19001" value="You must choose a username and password."/>
<string id="19002" value="Unable to accept connections, URL unavailable."/>
<control caption="Mo┼╝esz stworzy─ç sw├│j profil u┼╝ytkownika Gnutella, by podzieli─ç si─Ö informacj─à o sobie, swoich zainteresowaniach,polecanych plikach i stronach internetowych z innymi."/>
<control caption="Edytuj m├│j profil"/>
<control caption="_Chat:"/>
<control caption="Zezwalaj na chatowanie z kompatybilnymi u┼╝ytkownikami"/>
<control caption="U┼╝yj Shareazy by otwiera─ç linki z poni┼╝szych sieci:"/>
<control caption="Magnet ( magnet: )"/>
<control caption="Gnutella ( gnutella: )"/>
<control caption="eDonkey2000 ( ed2k: )"/>
<control caption="Piolet ( mp2p: )"/>
<control caption="BitTorrent ( .torrent )"/>
<control caption="_Menager pobierań:"/>
<control caption="U┼╝yj Shareazy do pobierania plik├│w z sieci:"/>
<control caption="_Dodaj"/>
<control caption="_Usuń"/>
<control caption="Menager pobierań może pobrać tylko te pliki,które są wyszczególnione w liście.Pozostałe typy plików zostaną pobrane standartowo przez twoją przeglądarkę."/>
<control caption="Zdalna kontrola Shareazy pozwoli ci zostawić Shareaze włączoną na twoim PC i kontrolowanie jej z daleka używając przeglądarki internetowej.Będziesz mógł sprawdzać pobierane pliki,wyszukiwać nowe etc."/>
<control caption="Shareaza jest programem, który może uzyskać dostęp do wielu sieci równocześnie. Na tej stronie możesz wybrać do których sieci P2P chcesz się łaczyć i jakie mają być ustawienia dla każdej z sieci."/>
<control caption="Sie─ç Gnutella2:"/>
<control caption=" Sieć Gnutella2 jest podstawową siecią Shareazy, oferującą więcej cech i mozliwości niż jaka inna sieć P2P.Zalecane jest wybranie tej sieci."/>
<control caption="Połącz z Gnutella2 (G2)"/>
<control caption="Konfiguracja sieci Gnutella2"/>
<control caption="Sie─ç eDonkey2000:"/>
<control caption="Jest popularn─à sieci─à opart─à o wymiane plik├│w poprzez serwery.Nie jest tak szybka jak Gnutella2,ale ma za to imponuj─àcy zbi├│r plik├│w."/>
<control caption="Połącz z eDonkey2000"/>
<control caption="Konfiguracja sieci eDonkey2000"/>
<control caption="Originala sie─ç Gnutella:"/>
<control caption="Chocia┼╝ oryginalna sie─ç Gnutella ma mniej cech ni┼╝ Gnutella2 i ma mniej plik├│w ni┼╝ eDonkey2000, to pozostaje jednak dobr─à i sprawdzon─à sieci─à."/>
<control caption="Połącz z originalą Gnutellą"/>
<control caption="Ustaw szerokość pasma tej kolejki:"/>
<control caption="Zmień po N sekund:"/>
<control caption="OK"/>
<control caption="Anuluj"/>
<dialog name="CWizardWelcomePage" cookie="StStStStStStStStStStStSt" caption="Witaj w programie Shareaza">
<control caption="Witaj w programie Shareaza!"/>
<control caption="Jeśli nie używałeś Shareazy albo innego klienta P2P wcześniej, ten kreator konfiguracji pomoże ci ustawić program w kilku prostych krokach."/>
<control caption="Jeśli jesteś jednak zaawansowanym użytkownikiem, możesz sam ustawić Shareaze w zakładce opcje.W każdej chwili możesz zakończyć ustawianie kreatora konfiguracji."/>
<control caption="Kreator konfiguracji pomo┼╝e ci w :"/>
<control caption="Wskazaniu jakie posiadasz łącze internetowe"/>
<control caption="Wybraniu plik├│w do udost─Öpniania"/>
<dialog name="CWizardConnectionPage" cookie="StCoStCoStCoStCoStCo" caption="Witaj w programie Shareaza [3 of 7]">
<control caption="Dla optymalnego działania Shareaza musi wiedzieć jakie posiadasz łącze internetowe."/>
<control caption="Czy twoja sieć np.akademicka posiada firewall'a lub jesteś za NAT;em ?"/>
<control caption="Czy masz zainstalowanego firewall'a na swoim komputerze lub jesteś za NAT;em ?"/>
<control caption="Jeśli wiesz jakie posiadasz łącze , wybierz najlepszą opcję z tych poniżej:"/>
<control caption="LUB, wybierz:"/>
<dialog name="CWizardSharePage" cookie="StStStSyBuBuSt" caption="Witaj w programie Shareaza [4 of 7]">
<control caption=" Sieci P2P s─à tylko tak dobre jak ludzie, kt├│rzy ich u┼╝ywaj─à .Wszystko co pobierasz jest tylko dlatego,┼╝e inny u┼╝ytkownik to udost─Öpnia."/>
<control caption="Nie musisz nic udost─Öpnia─ç,by u┼╝ywa─ç Shareazy, jednak┼╝e pewne oprogramowanie zachowa si─Ö r├│┼╝nie w stosunku do tych,kt├│rzy nic nie udost─Öpniaj─à."/>
<control caption=" Wskaż, które foldery możesz udostępnić jeśli chcesz. Po prostu kliknij przycisk Dodaj, by dodać nowy folder."/>
<control caption="Dodaj..."/>
<control caption="Usuń"/>
<control caption="UWAGA:Rozprowadzanie zastrze┼╝onych prawami autorskimi prac jest karane."/>
<dialog name="CWizardProfilePage" cookie="StStEdStCoCoStCoCo" caption="Welcome to Shareaza [5 of 7]">
<control caption="Shareaza is a much friendlier place when everyone writes a few basic details about themselves."/>
<control caption="I use the name:"/>
<control caption="and I'm a:"/>
<control caption="from:"/>
<dialog name="CWizardNetworksPage" cookie="StBuStBuStBuSt" caption="Welcome to Shareaza [6 of 7]">
<control caption="Shareaza is a general-purpose file-sharing application that can access many P2P networks at the same time. Here you can select which networks you'd like to access. Note that you can always select different networks later."/>
<control caption="Connect to Gnutella2 (Highly Recommended)"/>
<control caption="The Gnutella2 network is Shareaza's premiere network, offering more features and performance than any other P2P net."/>
<control caption="Connect to eDonkey2000"/>
<control caption="The eDonkey2000 network is a popular server-based network. While not as feature-rich as Gnutella2, eDonkey2000 has an impressive file collection."/>
<control caption="Connect to Original Gnutella"/>
<control caption="Although the original Gnutella network is less feature-rich than Gnutella2, and has fewer files than eDonkey2000, it remains a valuable resource."/>
<control caption="Shareaza wykryła,że masz zainstalowany program obsługujący eDonkey2000.Czy chcesz zaimportować nie dokończone pobierania do Shareazy?"/>
<control caption="Tak"/>
<control caption="Nie|Anuluj"/>
<control caption="Zamknij"/>
<dialog name="CWizardFinishedPage" cookie="StStStBuBuBuSt" caption="Witaj w programie Shareaza [7 of 7]">
<control caption="To wszystko!Shareaza została skonfigurowana do pracy z twoim komputerem."/>
<control caption="Jeśli kiedykolwiek będziesz potrzebował zmian w ustawieniach możesz to zrobic powracając do kreatora konfiguracji w zakładce Opcje."/>
<control caption="Po zamknięciu kreatora połączysz sie z siecią i możesz cieszyć się wyszukiwaniem i pobieraniem plików."/>
<control caption="Połącz do sieci po zamknięciu kretora konfiguracji"/>
<control caption="Połącz do sieci przy kazym uruchomieniu Shareazy"/>
<control caption="Włącz Shareaze przy starcie Windowsa"/>
<control caption="Życzymy miłych chwil z programem Shareaza!"/>
<control caption=" Poka┼╝ u┼╝ytkownikom swoje ulubione pliki. Mo┼╝esz utworzy─ç ulubione pliki przez dodawanie ich do "Favourites" w swoich zasobach."/>
<control caption="U┼╝ytkownicy Gnutella s─à zindentyfikowani pod unikalnym identyfikatorem. Normalnie nie ma ┼╝adnej potrzeby, by wygenerowa─ç nowy ID, jednak┼╝e Shareaza dostarcza tej opcji dla zaawansowanych u┼╝ytkownik├│w."/>
<control caption="Pobieranie plików z Shareazą jest proste. Po prostu wklej URL albo URI z wybranym plikiem do okna poniżej i naciśnij Enter."/>
<control caption="Pobierz"/>
<control caption="Anuluj"/>
<control caption="Shareaza mo┼╝e r├│wnie┼╝ pobiera─ç pliki z sieci (HTTP), oraz automatycznie wyszukuje i pobiera linki P2P (Magnet, Gnutella, eDonkey2000, mP2P)."/>
<control caption="Shareaza może również pobierać pliki BitTorrent . Może to być plik xyz.torrent,który już masz albo HTTP link do pliku torrent. Aby pobrać HTTP link, wklej go do okna powyżej. Jeśli masz już plik Torrent kliknij poniżej na Otwórz Torrent:"/>
<control caption="Otw├│rz _Torrent..."/>
<dialog name="CNewSearchDlg" cookie="EdCoBuBu" caption="Nowe wyszukiwanie|Szukaj ponownie|Znajd┼║ w zasobach">
<control caption="To jest lista folderów w twoich zasobach. Możesz tu dodawać i usuwać foldery. Kiedy dodasz jakiś plik lub folder do zasobów jest on automatycznie udostępniany.Dziel się plikami dla dobra nas wszystkich."/>
<control caption="You can copy a URI for the selected item in a variety of different formats. Please choose the format you wish to use by clicking one of the URIs below:"/>
<control caption="Include _myself as a fixed source in the URL"/>
<control caption="Czy wiesz,┼╝e Shareaza jest w 100% darmowym produktem?"/>
<control caption="Shareaza Nie ma ┼╗ADNYCH "ukrytych", "szpieg├│w" ani ┼╝adnego innego tego typu oprogramowania . It does NOT display any advertisements or "popups", ever.{n}{n}If you ever see advertising or "popups" while using Shareaza, be assured that they are NOT coming from this program."/>
<control caption="Unfortunately a lot of other software does come with undesirable adware or spyware, so if you see something suspicious you may wish to check your PC with an advertising or spyware removal program."/>
<control caption="You should not have had to pay any money to obtain Shareaza. Shareaza can be freely downloaded by anyone from www.shareaza.com. If you paid someone money for Shareaza, you should demand a full refund immediately."/>
<control caption="Shareaza respects its users!"/>
<control caption="www.shareaza.com"/>
<control caption="Zamknij"/>
<dialog name="CPromoteDlg" cookie="StStStStStStStBu" caption="Spread the Word">
<control caption="Help Us Spread the Word"/>
<control caption="We hope you have enjoyed using Shareaza so far. We believe it is the best file sharing application around."/>
<control caption="Unfortunately, a lot of file sharers don't know what they're missing!"/>
<control caption="If you know someone who would like Shareaza, whether they're a new user or someone still putting up with an inferior product, why not let them know there is a better alternative?"/>
<control caption="Chances are they'll be grateful you rescued them!"/>
<control caption="To jest pierwszy raz kiedy kliknąłeś przycisk zamknij.Wybierz proszę co Shareaza ma robić za każdym razem gdy klikniesz zamknij:"/>
<control caption="Minimalizuj do paska zadań"/>
<control caption="Zamknij Shareaze"/>
<control caption="Zamknij Shareaze po zakończeniu pobierania i wysyłania"/>
<control caption="Shareaza może zapamiętać ten plik i ostrzec cię, jeśli spotykasz się z tym znów przy następnym wyszukiwaniu.Wybierz dlaczego chcesz usunąć ten plik:"/>
<control caption="Nie chc─Ö tego komentowa─ç."/>
<control caption="Ten plik jest nazwany niepoprawnie i może wprowadzać w błąd."/>
<control caption="Ten plik jest bardzo złej jakość."/>
<control caption="Ten plik to fake,jest zepsuty albo og├│lnie nie do u┼╝ycia."/>
<control caption="Możesz napisać krótką notatkę opisującą, dlaczego ten plik jest zły:"/>
<control caption="OSTRZEŻENIE: Ta opcja ma dodatkowe możliwości zredagowania pobierania.Jednak niepoprawnie użyta może uszkodzić pobierany plik.."/>"/>
<control caption="You have opened a BitTorrent torrent file. Would you like to download its contents, or re-seed it?"/>
<control caption="Download"/>
<control caption="Seed"/>
<control caption="Cancel"/>
<control caption="To share complete files using BitTorrent they must first be seeded. Once this process is complete the Torrent will appear as a new item in your download list."/>